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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.17
Source:  coburn.senate.gov
My Comments:
Things our Congress seems to think are more important than our government's promise to those sailing, walking, and flying into harm's way to protect our country.
This also one of the reasons that our budget remains unbalanced.
  • Suggestion:  No Presidential, Vice-Presidential, Cabinet Secretary, or Congressional pay, retirement pay, or benefits until the budget is balanced and not balanced on the backs of government workers, military retirees, or Social Security recipients. 


Progressives on the Take

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.17
Source:  Robert Scheer on Creators.com
My Comments:
More of that promised transparency.  Talk about having the foxes guard the hen house.

Are You Consenting to Surveillance Right Now?

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Orig Post Date:  201312.17. 
Source:  Jacob Sullum on Creators.com
My Comments:
This one is pretty scary.  If the Supreme Court backs the Obama administration we have lost a majority of our once sacrosanct right to privacy.  And this from an administration that claims it exists to protect our rights.


Harvard-trained attorney sentenced to 28 years for Navy charity scam, Alabama donors among those targeted

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.16
Source:  Leada Gore via AL.com
My Comments:
His sentence is way too short in my opinion.  If it was up to me they would throw away the key.

White House delayed enacting regulations to help get president re-elected, says Washington Post

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.16
Source:  Debbie M. Lord via AL.com
My Comments:
Looks to me like someone knew all those promises about keeping plans & doctors was really a whopper.  It makes one wonder how many others we have been told.

Poll: Obama's health care overhaul seen as eroding coverage

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.15
Source:  The Associated Press via AL.com
My Comments:
This poll seems to verify what many Conservatives and Libertarians predicted would happen but our Commander-in-Chief is still claiming that his program will reduce health care costs.

comments Keep that oil pipeline away from our water supply

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.15
Source:  Charles Hyland on AL.com
My Comments:
It amazes me that the simple solution of changing the route of this pipeline to avoid gthe watershed for the largest supply of drinking water for a metropolitan area with over 400,000 people in it is fought so successfully by this pipeline company.  Too much of this crony politics seems to exist in a government that is supposed to look out for the good of its citizens.

comments New book tells what happened to Obama campaign's 'Julia'

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Orig Post Date:  2013.12.15
Source:  J. Pepper Bryars on AL.com
My Comments:
This new series of books looks to be interesting.  I'll have to read it and check its assumptions and conclusions against what I have observed in real life.


Economic Reality and the Minimum Wage

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Orig Post Date:  2013.. 
Source:  Steve Chapman on Creators.com
My Comments:
An extremely accurate assessment of the effects of an increase in the minimum wage.
I can remember the high school kids that were hired for summer work at the plant that I was working at in Georgia back in the mid 70s.  When the minimum wage went up to $3.35 in 1981 the number of those summer hires went way down.
Another place where this effect really showed up was at filling stations.  I can remember making just over $1/hr at a station I worked at one summer.  We had more summer workers on the lot than we had gas pumps.  When a customer drove up we pumped their gas, checked the fluids under their hood, cleaned their windows, and it asked vacuumed their floor mats and checked the air in their tires.  All this with a smile and Green Stamps.  As the minimum wage ramped up over the years the number of filling station workers ramped down until with today's minimum wage we have to do all of that for ourselves and those jobs are no more.
I can also remember the large number of migrant farm workers that came into town to help harvest the potato crop.  Then the government started to ramp up the wages that they had to be paid.  One of my uncles was the first local farmer to buy a machine that took 4 men to operate but it dug, picked up, and graded potatoes by size and dumped them onto wagons to be hauled back to the barn for bagging.  4 men + that machine replaced several hundred migrant workers and removed the need for housing them.
The net result in each case was fewer jobs.  This has been documented time and again but our professional politicians never seem to grasp this.  Too many of them, our current president included have never had to run a business and make sure that business could make its payroll.  It's obvious that too many of them don't understand operating within one's means and on a realistic budget.