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Date of Article: 2014-03-20
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A good thing happened today. A law was passed that did no harm and laid the groundwork to do a lot of good for many people who have been suffering unnecessarily for too long. I'm hoping that Carly gets the relief she needs now that the law no longer stands in the way.
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Date of Article: 2014-03-20
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This is a good example of how stupid rules like this are. The student did the right thing by preventing harm but the idiot powers that be chose to punish her.
Years ago I had a friend whose son was receiving a beating from a bully. According to witnesses his son did not attempt to defend himself until after over 10 blows had landed on him. Yet the idiot powers that were chose to expel him for practicing a right that all humans have to defend themselves from attack.
For reasons like this Zero Tolerance Rules have to be written with care and enforced with common sense.
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Date of Article: 2014-03-16
Source of Article: Creaators Syndicate
An interesting piece on what the author thinks will be the end result of Putin's latest muscle flexing. I hope he is right in the long run.
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Date of Article: 2014-03-13
Source of Article: Crerators Syndicate
Some interesting questions raised here. To me the big one is do we want one person having so much power to change our lives. To me that seems to reverse the system that the founding fathers set up with power spread across three branches of government to prevent tyranny.
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Date of Article: 2014-03-14
Source of Article: Creators Syndicate
Pat Buchanan starts with a very interesting question here and then presents some convincing arguments as why he is asking it.
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Orig Post Date: 2014.03.14.
My Comments:
It's bad enough that in the past a member of congress introduced a change to copyright law which extended the term of copyright protection for a recorded performance from which he and his family directly benefited, and that the then congress passed it, but now the current congress is again attempting to extend the power of copyright holders at the people's expense.