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Date of Article: 2014-04-14
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As a new client to Medicare this article is very disturbing. First the current administration violates its word about people being able to keep their plans and doctors if they like them and eliminates perfectly good health plans that many Americans chose in a free marketplace. Now they seem to be intent on destroying a program that is serving seniors well. Its hard to understand.
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Date of Article: 2014-04-17
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"If you like your current plan you can keep it, period!"
This is a candidate for the lie of the year and maybe even of the decade. I don't know about other peoples plans but I will remember this for quite a few election days and vote accordingly.
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Date of Article: 2014-04-14
Source of Article: InfoWorld
This article exposes a flaw in the DMCA which needs to be fixed ASAP. One part of the fix needs to make the party that filed the merit-less take-down order should be subject to reimbursing for lost income and paying damages for harming the reputation of the victim. A second part would be4 to require there be documentation accompanying the take-down order proving the validity of the claim. Currently DCMA creates not only a guilty until proven innocent situation but also a guilty without any proof situation. To me that is an assault on our Constitutional rights.]
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Date of Article: 2014-04-11
Source of Article: Creators Syndicate
So using a drone to spy on or assassinate individuals is fine as long as the government is doing it but let a group of volunteers attempt to use a drone to locate and maybe save the life of a missing child and they are violating federal rules. In this case I am in total agreement with Mr Chapman.